Project Title:
I-Light – A pervasive home monitoring system based on intelligent luminaires
(Eurostars Project E9770, UEFISCDI contract no. 46E/2015 / 09.12.2015)
Project coordinator:
David Cuesta
Project manager:
Iuliana Bocicor
Total Budget Project:
790,500 RON/
Public Budget : 983,221 RON
Project implementation duration:
36 months
Financed by
Financed by UEFISCDI – Innovation Programme – European Cooperation Eureka – Eurostars Subprogramme,
Visit i-Light project on the EUREKA / Eurostars website:

The aim of this project is to develop a novel energy efficient luminaire equipped with an embedded sensing, indoor localisation and communications electronic system that enables a pervasive, seamless, and inexpensive home monitoring scheme.
This product will be defined as a next-generation intelligent LED bulb that includes an additional electronic core for environment interfacing, data acquisition and transmission. This novel solution will enable a set of services to prospective users/clients: telehealth applications, ambient assisted living, home rehabilitation applications, educational or training scenarios, or any other framework where long term pervasive monitoring is required.
The i-Light product will constitute an evolutionary improvement over existing solutions, either in the LED-based illumination realm, or in ambient monitoring applications.
The project goal is to develop a new home monitoring system that removes the current adoption barriers for such systems by reducing costs and simplifying installation. There is a growing need for home monitoring schemes due to a number of reasons: health care cost reduction, ageing population, security, safety, energy efficiency, leisure activities, and many others. This application is affordable, conforms to standards, doesn’t require skilled or trained staff and deployment is straightforward.