Second Project Progress Report Submission

The reported period (months M05-M11 in the project execution) includes work undertaken within WP1, ended in the reported period and WP2 (“WP2 – System design, development and integration”) and WP3 (“WP3 – i-Light middleware and software development”), started in the reported period, which require the participation and input of all project partners. During WP1, the…

First Project Progress Report Submission

The first Project Progress Report covers the first four months of project execution. During this time, covering half of WP1 (“WP1 – User requirements, needs and service concepts”), the Consortium has performed an extensive domain analysis in order to fully identify the functional and non-functional requirements context in which the i-Light platform will run, and…

i-Light Project Start

I-Light, “A Pervasive Home Monitoring System based on Intelligent Luminaires” aims to develop a novel energy efficient luminaire equipped with an embedded sensing, indoor localisation and communications electronic system that enables a pervasive, seamless, and inexpensive home monitoring scheme. These luminaires will be fully compatible with current technologies and facilities, and once deployed, they will…